Pretzel Logo Pretzel AI

Open Source AI native alternative to Jupyter Notebooks

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Built by people from

Stripe Logo Klarna Logo Goldman Sachs Logo N26 Logo

AI autocompletions

Automatically complete your code with better quality than Github Copilot

Code Generation

Click Ask AI K to generate code or edit existing code

Fix errors

Click Fix Error with AI to automatically figure out what is wrong

Sidebar Chat

Coding assistant with all the context about your code

Getting started

Hosted version

The easiest way to get started is to use our free hosted notebook.

Install via pip

It is recommended to install it in a fresh python environment to avoid conflicts with other Jupyter versions.

pip install pretzelai

Once installed run Pretzel with:

pretzel lab

Source code

If you are familiar with Github you can see all the details about Pretzel in our repository.